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Appoint a Guardian


UK Boarding schools require all students, whose families live overseas, to have a legal guardian resident in the UK to act for the child when the school is closed and at other times such as illness or when there is need for disciplinary action.


Whilst the school, and in particular the child’s housemaster or housemistress, take responsibility for the child’s academic matters and day to day welfare during the school term, there are times during the term and more especially outside term time, when the school must be able to hand over these responsibilities to a properly appointed legal guardian.

These responsibilities include:


  • To act, when necessary, on behalf of parents in situations where the parents are unable to do so due to distance.

  • To look after the child’s welfare in the UK when the school is closed for the holidays.

  • To provide a host family for the child to stay with at Half Term and “Exeat” weekends.

  • To help the child arrange travel both in the UK (taxi, train or bus) and back home (flight bookings, taxi transfers).

  • To assist the child with things needed – for example sports equipment, UK SIM card.                                     

  • To help the child if things go wrong e.g:

    • getting into trouble at school,

    • problems with immigration or passport,

    • sickness and hospital visits

  • To be available for the child at anytime, particularly if child or parents are worried about:

    • work,

    • school,

    • friends,

    • the family the child stays with

Eligible Guardians

A Guardian :

  • must be over the age of 25 years.

  • must have a permanent or semi-permanent place of residence in the UK.

  • must be independent of any educational institution.

  • must agree to the necessary searches required under current legislation to be carried out on all the adults (over 18 years) residing permanently in their household.

  • should be a person who is not involved in travelling overseas other than for holidays.

Guardian will not allow students to do any of the following:

  1. Staying away overnight is forbidden unless Guardians have received specific permission in writing from parents.

  2. Smoking is not allowed at school or with host families. It is illegal to purchase or consume cigarettes under the age of 18 in the UK.

  3. Drug taking is illegal in UK. Any student found with drugs, or encouraging others to purchase drugs, will be excluded and sent home.

  4. Drinking alcohol. It is illegal to purchase or consume alcohol under the age of 18 in the UK.

We are working with the most reputable and AEGIS Acredited guardianship companies in the UK, please contact us for more information.

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